注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.


Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (Bolivar)

Earn a bachelor of science in nursing at SBU-Bolivar

Current SBU pre-nursing students 和 transfer students: BSN项目目前正在接受2024年春季队列的申请. We 正在寻找SBU护理预科学生和正在寻找的学生的申请 to transfer to SBU from other institutions. 查看 宝博体育标准度计划 for prerequisite requirements 和 application instructions.

NEW for high school seniors: 申请我们的 early acceptance 程序 来保证你在SBU的护理项目中有一席之地!

SBU已获得密苏里州护理委员会对我们BSN的全面批准 程序. 这是一个传统的BSN学位课程的学生谁还没有 have a nursing degree (or LPN or RN certification). If you have an ASN degree 和 would like to earn a bachelor's degree, please read about our degree completion BSN nursing 程序.

Experience college life while attending nursing school

在SBU的Don和Carrie Babb护理系学习护理将使 您在体验传统大学生活的同时,也得到了优质的护理 教育. 你将获得学士学位,为你进入NCLEX-RN做准备 to become a Registered Nurse (RN).* 

结合坐姿和在线护理课程的形式,加上一个强大的 文科和理科课程,将为你在各种实践中做好准备 卫生保健环境——重症监护、门诊护理、公共卫生和精神卫生.

*完成护理学士学位课程不保证有资格参加 the licensure examination.

Our communities need more nurses

Dem和 is growing for highly qualified nurses. Our communities need registered nurses 和 the need is growing! SBU is helping address 通过培养专业护理毕业生解决护理人员短缺问题.

  • Registered Nurse (RN) is listed among the top occupations in terms of job growth 到2029年.
  • A shortage of Registered Nurses is projected to spread 在2016年至2030年期间,全国范围内预计将出现最严重的短缺 the South 和 the West.
  • By 2030, it is estimated that the number of U.S. residents ages 65 和 older will top 82 million, increasing the need for geriatric 和 nursing care.

(来源: American Association of Colleges of Nursing)

Value of a bachelor's degree in nursing

罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会和医学研究所进行了一项为期两年的研究, 结论是护理行业需要更多受过高等教育的劳动力. 国际移民组织 (now known as the National Academy of Medicine) recommended that 80% of nurses have at least a BSN degree by 2020 -截至2020年9月,全国只有64%的护理人员拥有BSN.

《宝博体育》发现 具有BSN学位的护士在心脏护理单位的数量和病人死亡率. 

SBU的护理学士学位将为您提供教育,技能 培训和领导能力的准备,你需要成为一个成功的护士在当今社会.





Application Packet (PDF)

Program Application (PDF)

Submit Application Materials

High School Early Acceptance

当前高中毕业生可以申请高中提前录取(HSEA) 程序 offered by SBU's bachelor of science in nursing degree. 这将保证 you a spot in the nursing 程序 when you arrive at SBU! 

Learn More 宝博体育 Early Acceptance

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is offered through SBU's College of 健康 Professions.


(ultimate NCLEX通过率)


(hired as a BSN-prepared nurse at the time of graduation)

BSN Student Learning Outcomes (PDF





Nursing faculty responds to student in simulation lab exercise


  • 在由ACEN认证委员会认证的护理学院学习 Education in Nursing).
  • 接受优秀的准备成为一名注册护士-到目前为止,SBU的学士学位 of science in nursing graduates have achieved a 100% 就业率 within six months of graduation 和 a 100% NCLEX exam first-time pass rate!
  • 接受基督教文科教育,这将为你的领导能力做好准备,至关重要 thinking skills 和 clinical reasoning abilities


在SBU,信仰和学术的融合是我们工作的核心. 作为一个 BSN毕业于SBU,你将准备成为一个有效的仆人式领导者 医疗保健行业. 你将学习如何整合从基督为中心获得的知识 文科课程指导你的护士实践,专业发展和 终身学习.

信仰融入了所有的课程和课程,而你也将拥有 有机会参加专门设计的课程,帮助你考虑如何 faith is an important part of your career as a compassionate nurse. 课程包括 “医疗保健中的灵性”将使您能够以一种独特的方式接近您的护理职业 Christ-centered perspective. All SBU students also take courses in Old Testament 和 New Testament history.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

A capital fundraising campaign raised more than $1.1 million for renovation of a state-of-the-art 为SBU的护理学学士提供模拟实验室和学习资源中心 程序.

翻新的空间包括具有当前技术的模拟实验室,Learning 资源中心,教室,计算机实验室和教师办公空间.

模拟中心为学生提供安全学习的真实体验 环境准备他们过渡到实践在一个复杂的医疗保健 环境.


Innovative Technology

作为SBU的护理专业学生,您将有机会获得宝贵的实践经验 有创新技术的经验,包括合成尸体. 你会学到 about human anatomy 和 more by interacting in cadaver labs. Watch this video to hear 从博士. 这具合成尸体将如何丰富你的教育经历!


For full acceptance into the BSN 程序, prerequisite courses must be completed. 有条件录取是可能的学生在一个学期内完成 程序 prerequisite courses. BSN计划 度计划 lists required courses.

Applicants must satisfy all 宝博体育标准, which includes:

  • 累积绩点2.8+
  • Completion of prerequisite courses (see 度计划)
  • Microbiology 和 Anatomy & 生理学我 & II must be completed within five years of admission into the pre-licensure BSN 程序
  • Pass background check 和 drug screen

A full list of 宝博体育标准 is available in the 应用程序包.

BSN计划的接受是基于入学时的满意完成 criteria 和 空间可用性. When applicants meet minimum qualifications, an admission 如果符合资格的申请人人数超过,将使用选择标准工作表 空间可用性. Applicants with the top scores will be offered first choice for the seats in the cohort.



应用 to SBU today to begin your journey to your nursing career! 在你入院后 在SBU,你将从护理预科的学生开始,学习三个学期的护理课程 准备进入护理学位课程的先决条件课程.


联系 希瑟Daulton,项目协调员, at (417) 328-1453 or hdaulton@SBUniv.edu to learn more about the BSN 程序 on SBU's Bolivar campus.

“我真的很喜欢我们的护理教授强调基督是我们的中心 教育. 他们希望我们成为称职的护士,但首先是服务护士."
Citizens Memorial Hospital, Medical Surgical Unit


Discover Core Curriculum

*Upon approval of the Missouri State Board of Nursing.